Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Talk

Reece is now getting to be quite the " Verbal Vince", this as everyone knows is the male version of "Chatty Cathy" These are some conversations that took place on Thanksgiving Day up in Fayetteville, NC while visiting Grandpa Wojtanik and Miss Annette.

While on a walk of their neighborhood :

Reece- Look Grandpa, a dead squirrel! They better be careful, cause someone could pop a tire on that squirrel.

and as a side note Emma agreed fully, because you know how sharp squirrel's claws are.

LATER that same day while watching Star Wars Episode One- The Phantom Menace

Reece- There were not enough Darth Maul parts in that movie for me and I don't know what to do about that.

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