Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Sausage Reece?

Yesterday was Reece's Little Thanksgiving Feast at his preschool and they all processed in dressed as Native Americans and Pilgrims. They each had a place setting for them they had made.
Then the feasting began. What was served you might ask? Probably the same thing the early settlers ate, little smoky links, pancakes and brownie bites. Because nothing says Thanksgiving like little wieners and lots of syrup. The funniest thing was that Reece just ate very mechanically, and didn't talk or look around. And every time the staff came around with the HUGE sausage tray, they would ask Reece " More sausage" and he always said YES. That boy had 4 helpings of 3 sausages each helping. What the stank Reece, put on a snout and call him piggy. Reece never has a second helping of sausage at home. Then when they brought around the brownies, they asked if he wanted one, and he said No. But the girl gave him one anyway, so he ate it.

The little girl next to Reece wouldn't touch her food, so I pretended that Reece's turkey was going to eat her food, and she just looked at me very violated. I guess 4 years have no sense of humor.

Gobble Gobble Reece


Robin said...

The truth comes out...your kids are thin because you deprive them of sausage. Reece was smart to decline the brownie bite at first - those things are gross and don't taste like brownies.

Princess Jen said...

ok, that's FUNNNNY!!!!! WTF Jackie? Give the boy sausage! Poor kid!