Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Jeopardy answer is : Who is Reece?

And the question is: Who goes to the beach in their pajamas and refuses to take them off even under extreme heat and massive embarrassment? It was 86 degrees here on Sunday and I thought it would be fun to take the kids to the quiet water beach. Reece did bring along his Buzz Lightyear bathing suit, but would rather not even give any prospective girlfriends, even the littlest hint of what these studly pajamas might be hiding. Hey, he's 3 and that's what 3 year olds do. Or is it? Adeline pulled a classic baby move, of eating a giant handful of sand. She then had drooly slobber peppered with sand dripping out of her mouth. Yum. Emma was digging herself to China, only the hole kept filling back in on her from the wave action. We went early enough that we were back in time for nap and just enough to have given us all a little color to our pasty complexions.

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