I've decided that I want my kids to start dressing in matching outfits. No, they aren't twins, but I feel like I need to have small clones running around like the Van Trapp children, only instead of wearing old curtains, they are wearing swedish import clothing. Somehow or other when I see families with their kids all matching, I feel a sense of military uniformism or just cute adorableness. I know that's not a word. Whatever it is, I love to see kids that match. Now, I know Reece is the exception here in this picture, but you can't argue with a boy that wants to wear some sort of Buzz related garb every chance he gets. Plus it's better than Super Duck showing up out in public. We were at a birthday party yesterday up at Benny Russell playground, don't you just think if we have another baby whether it's a boy or girl, we should name it Benny, then I can sing in an annoying voice like Elton John, Benny, Benny, Benny, until someone shoots me. That thought was just thinking out loud, but seriously we were at a party and Adeline put away more food than the other 2 combined. She ate a whole piece of pizza, a sunflower cupcake, and an entire can of orange pop. Yes, I know I'm a bad mother, but at least there was no caffeine in it.