Friday, May 23, 2008

Beerclub, I mean bookclub

This is what remains of the Milton bookclub, three women who persevere through making meals, cleaning houses and shuttling kids to and fro, but still we are determined to read the monthly selections. No matter how smut filled, we will read the smut, no matter how much sushi we might need to eat at our meeting or how much alcohol we need to consume to get the right drink, we girls never say never. We just discussed the selection by Eileen, Snowflower and the secret Fan at the new Pensacola Alehouse. After trying out the margaritas and then settling on Blue Moon beer and Amaretto Sours, not to mention Eileen's new favorite drink, a pineapple mojito, we discussed Chinese footbinding and Nu Shu the secret writing of Chinese women who spend the majority of their lives in an upstairs room, embroidering tiny shoes to put on their nasty golden lily feet, that have been broken beyond repair to fit those itty bitty shoes. But sad to say, this may be our last meeting, as the military has need for Paul in Norfolk and of Matt in Quantico.


JavaMama said...

Sniff...I need a copy...sniff...of this picture...sniff...

Princess Jen said...

That about sums it up, lol. BTW, I just finished Escape by Carolyn Jessop. VERY good!!! MUST buy this! I've got my own book club now called Jen's Club. Only one member (me) so it's not as fun. *sigh*