Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1 Chicklet down 31 to go

Chicklet Teeth has been my little loving nickname about Emma's teeth, since most of her friends have been losing teeth since Kindergarten and Emma has only had 2 pulled out from the dentist. We had yet to actually "Lose" a tooth until this morning! She has been snaggletooth here for about a week with that front tooth. She could entirely close her mouth and the tooth would just sit on her lip. She actually let me tie a string around it last night, but then she started hyperventilating and drooled the string out of her mouth. So, crying herself to sleep last night about the horrible possibility that her tooth would come out in her sleep and she would choke on it and die, she woke up this morning completely forgotten about the tooth drama.
Then while starting her bowl of grits while watching Tom and Jerry, I hear a holler and " Where's my tooth, it fell out and I think it's in my grits." Well, it was actually in her pajama top, but it had just fallen out with no tugging, pulling or crying, just gravity. Hurray baby tooth. That was one happy proud little Emma Roo that went off to 3rd grade today with a giant gap toothed smile on her face.

1 comment:

Great Aunt "D" said...

Congrats Emma !! How much is the toothfairy leaving these days?