Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ready Set Find those eggs!

On Tuesday Emma and her 31 classmates had their class egg hunt. I helped set out the eggs and upon finding a few cracked opened I realized that one mother had put Hershey's nuggets with almonds and toffee inside her eggs.( The note that went home said No chocolate or gum, but she wasn't listening I guess.) So, I told Emma to sniff those eggs out, cause Mommy wanted some chocolate. She didn't find any nuggets, but she did find an egg with a quarter inside. I guess some parent didn't have time to get candy, so figured money was the next best thing. Afterwards, was a parent-child lunch out under the gazebo. I guess Subway was the restaurant of choice for most parents, instead of bringing along PB&J's. Rick and I were no exception.

1 comment:

Katie P said...

hi -
So weird seeing those St Pauls uniforms again! looks like fun. so I guess next week is spring break there? Ours is now. love catching up on your blog! Happy Easter,