Wow Reece, even though you are still my little guy, you are now 4! September 10 will go down in history as the day a boy finally came into the family. Not since your Dad, has a boy become the single male species bearing the Parrish name. He was King Richard and you really are Prince Reece. With your sweet disposition, quiet demeanor and reserved presence, when that smile sneaks across your face, it steals our hearts. Your agility astounds us as you gallop around the house to get from one room to another, walking is too slow and you must have it preplanned in your head to enter each room with a somersault. You give yourself just enough space to do that forward roll and then jump to your feet. Will your hair ever remain flat on your head or will you forever have that rooster tail that you wake up with? It doesn't matter if I fix your hair, it is back sticking straight up later that morning from somersaults and flips. Whenever I think back to your birth it's hard not to think about Hurricane Ivan simultaneously. You were born 5 days before it hit and I just remember having Daddy build you that little wooden box so I could put your 7 lb tiny baby frame underneath to protect from the fear of losing our roof. I was so sweaty then, afterwards carrying around a tiny baby full of heat while trying to find a cool place in a house with no air conditioning. Giving up after 3 days of misery and leaving for Orlando for the next 2 weeks. It's funny how such a horrible experience came on the heels of one of the happiest experiences of my life. There really is something to be said about a Mommy's boy. That phrase always exudes negative connotations, but when it is your little boy and he asks for those extra kisses at bedtime and one more hug( not a Daddy hug) a Mommy hug, then I think it's a wonderful phrase and I hope it stays that way through his life.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY REECE!!!! Is it already that time? When I think of Reece's birthday it brings me back to hurricane Ivan and how you somehow stayed after just having him. I thought you were insane, lol. (kieran wore that shirt just the other day!!!)
I have goosebumps and a lump in my throat. Reecers--how did this happen? You're soo big and so fast! We love you and miss you so much. Whenever we have birdies in our hair in the morning we dedicate them to dear Reece. Happy birthday big guy! No Chik-fil-A for a while, OK?
He looks so cute and so happy. Can't believe it's really been 4 years since we all rode out that storm...
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