Friday, September 26, 2008

Snake Lingo

Conversation with Mom and Emma Thursday Morning before school

Mom: Emma, yesterday I saw a black snake in our butterfly bush right outside the kitchen window!

Emma: Were you scared Mom?
Mom: I saw him turned around, grabbed Adeline and ran the other direction.
Emma: Mom did he see you?
Mom: I think so because he stopped and was looking at me.
Emma: Mom, was he melgmerizing you?

Mom: Was he what?

Emma: You know like from the Jungle Book when the snake had swirly eyes at Moglie, he melgmerized him.


Ginny Gill said...

I would have done the exact same least you had to foresight to grab the child as well. I might have gone running and screaming in the other direction and FORGOTTEN parker.....
and I am SURE he was trying to melgar....(could not spell it) you!

JavaMama said...

hee hee You're just Harry Potter in disguise!