Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pirates Invade Preschool-Ahoy

Here is pirate Gus with 2 little pirateers that he discovered hiding out in Miss Meg's classroom. They made treasure maps, anchors and had a pirate snack.

Here is our littlest pirate Adeline, waiting with dread and fear of Pirate Gus about to arrive. Even though, she sees him almost every day as Mr. Gus, there is something about a Dad in a pirate hat that sends shivers in a preschooler.

When Pirate Gus arrives, he pounds on the door to announce his arrival and see the surprise on the little boys face next to Adeline.

Pirate Abigail has no fear, as the pirate is her Dad. Adeline doing her morning circle time as she waits for the pirate to land

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